IVR Made Easy To Handle.
IVR is made easy to handle, When the number of calls increases, it becomes important to add a personal touch. That time, you will need a practical solution to handle your expanding customer base.
Managing a high call volume is a good issue to have. It just takes some smart techniques to handle it properly. An IVR phone system feature does just that perfectly.
While a major aspect of cloud-based call center software, an IVR is a standard component involved with different business phone systems.
Customer feedback.
Customer feedback is very important for any business to power up its offerings, and measure call center performance as well. An IVR survey can be done right after the live call with an agent is complete. If not, then the feedback should be achieved within 24 hours of the issue resolution. Also, a request can be delivered for the same after the call.
Automate call-back requests.
Call centres are mostly overwhelmed with more callers than they usually handle. An interactive voice response system can not only tell customers within what time they can get the solutions, but it can also, through prompts, permit them to request a callback.
Bill payments.
After the customary greeting, the agent needs to show the payment details. Then the payment options have to be analyzed and the payment then further needs to be processed. The information on the credit card needs to be read out or punched in by the customer, after which the payment will be processed properly. The call center agent may even ask to wait for some time for payment confirmation.
With IVR you can automate this process completely. Customers can submit their bills within no time. Now, you don’t have to wait anymore for agents to answer the call.
Automate simple queries.
It is worth mentioning that agents cannot always handle such queries conveniently because sometimes servers are slow and it takes some time to pull up the required information.
When calling on an IVR system, customers will be updated to let the system know what information they are searching for and then be guided properly along the correct track. With an Interactive voice response system, the information can be taken out from the database immediately and conveyed to the customer.
FAQ calls.
Detailed instructions can be beneficial in resolving common problems. Imagine a customer’s satellite TV is not working properly. The IVR setup can guide the customer to follow some steps to solve the issue. If the problem is very complicated, the customer will automatically get directed to a customer care agent.
At this point, the agent’s time will be used correctly because the issue is now at a stage where a live agent is needed. Any small error will be taken care of by the IVR system.
The IVR system itself will direct the call to the agent who can address the query. For ensuring everything runs smoothly, the IVR system has to be great and should be tested more often for quality control.